Quantum computers for weather and climate prediction

Over the past few years, quantum computers and quantum algorithms have attracted considerable interest and attention from numerous scientific disciplines. In their recent article for the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Professor Tim Palmer and Felix Tennie aim to provide a nontechnical yet informative introduction to key aspects of quantum computing.

They discuss whether quantum computers one day might become useful tools for numerical weather and climate prediction. Using a recently developed quantum algorithm for solving nonlinear differential equations, they integrate a simple nonlinear model. In addition to considering the advantages that quantum computers have to offer, they also discuss the challenges one faces when trying to use quantum computers for real-world problems involving “big data,” such as weather prediction.

To read the article (which is free and open access), please visit https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/104/2/BAMS-D-22-0031.1.xml